report on Savile and the BBC has received major coverage as expected, but was
the conclusion unexpected? It appears that nobody at top level was aware of the
sexual predators taking advantage of their high profile and ‘stardom’. Really??
Excuse us being cynical – must be something to do with age.
I was having another clear out at home and
found a sign that used to hang in my office. It was a reminder about a key
element if you want to stay in business and thrive.
‘When you can measure what you are speaking
about and express
it in numbers, you know something
about it. When you cannot
express it in numbers, your
knowledge is of a meagre and
unsatisfactory kind.’
questions on net immigration should be directed to David Cameron but avoid the
use of numbers - they confuse him.
‘The Donald’ is receiving more flack than
war torn Syria and he seems to thrive on it. The more condemnation of Trump’s
utterings, the more votes he collects. Perhaps voters are tired of the standard
position taken by most politicians – namely, to say what they believe people
want to hear. Their reason is pretty straightforward. We hear the promises they
make, we put our cross in their box and then appear surprised when our selected
party doesn’t deliver. Dr Richard Bandler, the father of Neuro Linguistic
Programming summed it up beautifully when he said, ‘if you always do what you’ve
always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got’. Maybe that has
sunk in and people are voting
against the status quo rather than for Trump. And we’re still not sure if the
Trump wall is to keep immigrants out or Trump in!
The 29th of February has
arrived as I write this para so we should see plenty of ladies on their knees today
as they propose marriage to their chosen. We shall also see a lot of white-faced
men who used the word love casually to achieve a biblical relationship. An
Irish folk tale says fifth-century nun St Brigid of Kildare began the
tradition. She asked St Patrick to allow women to propose to men every leap
day. He agreed and she promptly proposed to him. Caught flat- footed he managed
to refuse and sought solace with the choirboys, in a platonic sense of course!
India’s supreme court has ruled that sleep
is a fundamental human right. Their actual ruling stated that’ sleep is
essential for a human being to maintain the delicate balance of health
necessary for it existence and survival’. Human rights judges in Brussels will
be examining the ruling in detail before producing a European version. The
Working Time Directive can easily be modified to contain rules about sleep
periods during the working day. That said, we have dealings with staff in some
companies that seem to be permanently asleep.
A lot of our ‘gatherings’ sound like
medical conferences but we had an interesting one this week. One of our number
has been a bit bunged up lately but the discussion on laxatives got overtaken
by a learned oration about the poop button. Paddy seems to be an expert. The
so-called button is three finger widths directly below your belly button. This
spot, also known as the Sea of Energy, is apparently connected to other body functions – digestive system, colon, reproductive organs. So what is the laxative process? First
find the spot, three finger widths down, take deep breaths and press firmly, moving the fingers slightly.
Continue for two or three minutes if necessary. Apparently the response can be
quite rapid so we suggest you never try it while out shopping or in a social
As the noise about the referendum hid most
other news, the government took the opportunity to slip out their proposal on
changes to probate fees. The progressive (code for increased tax) charges will
be based on the value of estates and could raise as much as £250 mill for the
exchequer. We often hear that death and taxes are the only certainties in life but
now the government plan to ensure that taxes reach the afterlife.
wondered in which areas of the UK your surname is most popular. Wherever you
now live it might relate back to your birth. If you wonder, take a look at
It is a bit of fun.
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