Prime Minister Manuel Valls of France has
finally spoken the unspeakable. At the World Economic Forum in Davos he said
that the future of a unified Europe was under threat from the enormous numbers
of migrants flooding to the continent. He warned that the numbers
forecast would destabilize European societies. In reality, European culture as
we know it could disappear. Perhaps he has begun to listen to the people,
unheard of by a politician. The referendum in the UK won’t be about staying or
leaving the EU. In reality it will be a vote about immigration. Unless
immigration is curbed, the ‘NO’ vote will continue to grow for all the wrong
the lady that triggered the stampede for Europe is coming under even greater
pressure from her own allies. Horst Seehofer, leader of the Christian Social
Union gave it context during a discussion on immigration. His comment that
“chancellors in an advanced stage of their office only believe in themselves,”
seemed to ring true for most of Europe’s leaders. He thinks Angela Merkel got it
wrong. At the same time, Austrian Interior Minister, Johanna Mikl-Leitner states that the cap on refugees
allowed in is likely to be reached within months. Once the cap is reached
(37,500) they would refuse to accept further asylum applications or reject
refugees at the border. The time for sticking plaster solutions seems long
lads were interested to read that some restaurants in China have been
prosecuted for using opium poppies as seasoning with the aim of making their
food more addictive. You can tell which restaurants are doing it since they
only have one dish on the menu! I can’t wait to read their reviews on Trip
Home Office announcement about a new language test for immigrants got off to a
great start. As their Muslim lady staff member said, her spelling of langauge was
close enough for most immigrants.
Donald Trump gets better. He recently told
an enthusiastic audience he could shoot somebody, randomly chosen, and still
not lose any voters. He sounds like an ideal person to live in the White House
with a finger on the red button. More worrying is the volume of voters who hang
on his every word. On reflection, what we are seeing may be the reaction of
ordinary folk to the people who run our lives. The current political classes
seem further removed from the people than ever before.
We were surprised to learn that a 30 second
ad at Super Bowl 50 costs around $5,000,000. Even more surprised that
producer’s had turned down an advert. Then positively shocked that the ad they
refused was from Peta, an animal rights group. (People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals) – where do they get that sort of dough? Then we saw a few
shots from the banned ad and decided it should have been run. Junior schools in
the UK will shortly be using it in sex education lessons. The message, ten out
of ten for visual clarity, suggests that a vegan diet clears clogged up
carnivores, delivers improved blood flow and augments sex life. It gives a new meaning to the old joke –
‘is that a banana in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me’? Worth a look on the web.
The crime statistics in Sherborne, Dorset,
took a worrying turn last week after its first ‘drive by’ attack. The victim
was standing outside her shop when she was hit. The yoghurt carton was full and
splattered all over her as the miscreants roared away in a convertible with its
roof down. Police are extremely concerned since supermarkets have recently
introduced two-litre pots of Greek yoghurt.
Thieves in Turlock, California have stolen
$50,000 worth of bull semen. The mother of one of the thieves summed it up beautifully.
“He always had sticky fingers as a boy!”
A new condom machine called Johnny be Good is
being introduced that requires more than coins in the slot - it is breathalyzer
activated. The potential customer has to blow on a panel that gives an alcohol
rating. Too much alcohol on the breath and the machine won’t supply the
necessary. So, next time you hear a drunk mumbling about a ‘lousy blow job’, it
may not be what you think.
Bournemouth crematorium has introduced an
on line internet link for relatives and friends that cant attend a funeral. You
Tube for mourners – wait for the first one that goes viral!