Long live the Green Party. As the election battle revs up we can rely on
them to introduce Monty Python like humour to the proceedings, made even
funnier by the fact that they deliver their thoughts with seriousness and
belief. It comes as no surprise that
their membership is growing apace. Our
lads would all join if we had a local candidate that hadn’t been
sectioned. Chairman, Natalie Bennett is
deserving of her own chat show on television.
She spouts garbage with total conviction and should never be interrupted
by questions. We know she can’t answer
them and it breaks the hilarious flow. A
recording of her speeches, supported by some gems from John Prescott, would sell
millions. The Green conference also
introduced us to a new idea –‘attunement’.
The meditative breaks in the midst of business are almost too good to be
true. Apparently they relieve
stress! Om, om – all together now. And how do you get stressed at an event like
a Green conference. The only problem was
my ribs aching from laughter. With any
luck they’ll win another seat and become part of a technicolour coalition. In truth they’re not much crazier than the
other parties but they’re much more fun.
The Greens control the council in Brighton and are planning to replace
half their Pay-and-Display parking meters with cashless systems. Social services will be very busy coping with
the upsurge of confused pensioners found shouting at meters in the street! More attunement anyone?
Son of the manse Gordon Brown has raised
his head above the parapet again, likening the UK to the ‘North Korea’ of
Europe if we leave the EU. He suggests
we’d be out in the cold with no friends. He speaks as something of an expert on
that topic. We haven’t seen much of him
lately so we can only guess at the haircut he now sports.
On the subject of the EU, commission
president Jean-Claude Juncker is leading the call for an EU army. He feels that an EU army would help to
persuade Vladimir Putin that Europe was serious about defending its values in the
face of the threat from Moscow. On the
subject of values, perhaps Jean-Claude could arrange for the cost of arming the
force to be paid for by the money Luxembourg pocketed through sweetheart tax
deals to major corporations during his leadership. If the force ever came into being it would
have more generals than soldiers if it followed normal commission principles. I
bet Putin hasn’t stopped laughing since he heard the report.
It is estimated that 1700 girls were abused
in Rotherham and Oxford, while those in charge queued to receive their
gratefully accepted OBE’s, CBE’s, etc.
They should be made to stand in public as they are removed.
The three schoolgirls that have decamped to
Syria to join IS continue to generate headlines. In an appearance before the Home Affairs Committee
their families seem to blame the police, security services and just about
anyone else for the girls flight. Oddly,
the families seem to be faultless. We
now hear the girls will be treated as victims if they return to the UK. That sounds like an open door for any
fighters that want to return when they’re sufficiently trained to present a
real threat to our home security.
Another disaster for the ‘Big Boys Toys’
brigade as Top Gear is pulled from our screens by the BBC, for a couple of
weeks at least. Big beast Clarkson
appears to have stepped over the mark, allegedly throwing a punch at some poor
soul. The BBC didn’t use the word punch,
calling it a fracas. We can’t understand
the fuss. If he did it, they should have
filmed the incident as a part of the programme.
It would have guaranteed another million on the viewing audience. And looking at the state of Clarkson, we
couldn’t imagine any punch he threw doing serious damage. If he took a serious swing he’d probably need
medical treatment for torn ligaments. How
long before we see him on Sky?
Hospital visits occur with age and the wife
of one of the lads has recently been for a check up. She came back with a question.
“Why does a
gynaecologist put you behind a screen to undress?”
We haven’t received a
sensible answer so far.
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