Country Life Magazine, the pub goers bible
in our view, the upper classes guide to gentrification in editor Mark hedges
opinion, recently published their 39 steps to being a gentleman. We read them
with some interest. We can’t cover all of them but some made us smile.
Puts his phone on silent - seemed one we could
agree with though gentlemen of our age often can’t remember where we left the phone.
Can undo a bra with one hand – generated a healthy
discussion. None of us knew Mark Hedges proclivities but none of us has ever
worn a bra. That left the only other reason and the consensus was that bras
push up easily and quickly. Maybe that answer precludes being gentlemen.
Knows when not to speak – easy for men who have
married. It is anytime your wife is talking.
Never blow dries his hair – a quick glance round the
table showed we met this step without any problem, barely enough to blow dry if
we combined what we had. Goldilocks Adrian didn’t agree.
Sandals? No never – instant agreement from
us. Crocs with socks, summer and winter.
Knows sex isn’t a competition – we scored well on that
one, preferring darts nowadays!!
Can prepare a bonfire – wake up Mark. Gentlemen
have gardeners.
There were so many more and we assessed all
39 – space and decency preclude many of the others. We gave a round of applause
for Mark Hedges though. Publishing a list like this in Country Life takes
courage or a wish for early retirement.
Travel guide Lonely Planet has named
Manchester as one of the top ten cities to visit next year. On that basis I
might decide to avoid the other nine, though at least three are among our
favourite places. If the list was based on the most likely places to get your
hubcaps stolen or your car broken into it would be valid. Shootings are down
though, so that’s a plus!!
Transgender wasn’t a word we knew as kids
though from time to time we came across men and women who lived their lives as
the opposite sex to birth. In those days it was considered odd but nobody chased
them down the street to shout abuse, maybe commenting about them to friends,
but nothing more. Now it appears that their situation must be broadcast and
highlighted. The recent case where a male lunchtime supervisor at a primary
school plans to change his sex is now dragging very young children into his
decision. Teaching children who can barely read and spell about transgender
must be politically correct nonsense. Their ability to assimilate what they are
taught - we use the word taught advisedly - on that topic is more than
questionable, confusion the predictable result. Leave it be. The children won’t
even remember the change a week after it happens and mum and dad can answer any
questions they have.
On the same subject since it’s hard to
avoid it, Caitlyn Jenner, formerly Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner, had her status
in Glamour Magazine’s ‘women of the year’ generate an acid response from
Germaine Greer. “Just because you lop off your dick and then wear a dress
doesn’t make you a fucking woman.” I think we get the message Germaine. Hard
words, but perhaps an extreme reaction to the ‘look at me, I’m different’
groups who want to highlight their situation. For heaven’s sake, get on with
your lives and let us do the same.
It’s not often we use the word classy in
the same sentence as Australian, maybe because we’re POMS. That changed on
Saturday after Stephen Moore, Australia’s captain of their rugby team was
interviewed. Following a thrilling final, losing captain Stephen gave full
credit to the All Blacks, no if’s no but’s. Good on yer, mate, for showing
leadership both on and off the field. We need to add that it wouldn’t have been
such a great game without you and the team you led.
The Pope recently told a gathering of
travellers not to fight or swindle and to respect the law. I’ll light a candle
and use the light from it to check the locks on my shed!
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