Wednesday, 8 July 2015

    The BBC is in the news again on two fronts. Wimbledon 2day fronted by Clare Balding has received an absolute panning from tennis fans and have begun showing some tennis replays again. What a great idea! We assume the new format came from one (probably a group) of the overpaid, over titled managers that are shortly to be axed.  The cull has resulted from a budget cut but should have happened much earlier if the organization had any genuine management.  Lord Hall admits that there are some areas of the organization that have TEN (not a mistake) layers of management from top to bottom.  It’s almost unimaginable and the bureaucracy must be mind blowing. J.K.Galbraith had a view.
Meetings are indispensable when you don’t want to do anything.
We can’t help thinking his comment sums up the BBC. The lack of budget is the reason for the cull when any manager worth his or her salt would have identified the need beforehand.  As is so often the case in public bodies that receive their income as of right, the management structure expands to ensure the budget is spent, nebulous titles and management roles an excuse for inflating salaries.  It seems like a good time to take a serious external look at the organization.  There must be more savings just waiting to be made.   
    Essex police are the winners of our LOL spot this week.  When they found the body of well-known gangster John ‘Goldfinger’ Palmer at his Essex home they initially said his death was non-suspicious.  They needed more than the fact that he’d been shot in the chest to raise their suspicions. Presumably they have a new series of politically correct definitions for crimes.  Perhaps murder now fits under the heading, ‘clearly recognizable injuries that could not be self inflicted’. We’re waiting for a senior officer to raise his head above the parapet with the comment “lessons will be learned.”  In the meantime, beat officers on night duty are busy offering themselves for ‘selfies’ with partying youngsters.  Their Chief Constable says it helps to break down barriers with the public. Please use 111 rather than 999 if you’re calling about a ‘selfie’.  
    Everybody is voting ‘NO’.  The Greeks were partying in Syntagma Square after the resounding vote (60%) against austerity.  But the German’s topped it.  Top selling German tabloid, Bild, organized a poll of readers, the question whether or not Germany should continue to send billions in aid to the Greeks.  88% said no.  We’d call that deuce if they were at Wimbledon and the next couple of points will be interesting.  Tsipras to serve is the call with the Euro leaders to act as line judges. But there is only one Cyclops and she’s called Merkel!  New balls please.
    The repeat of Top Gear on Sunday night showed the lads in their pomp, great viewing even when you’ve seen it before, unlike the miserable attempt at a finale last week.  Without the audience and Clarkson, it isn’t the same.  Hammond and May are perfect foils but there’s only one JC.  Even the church will agree with that in principle. Chris Evans must be having a sleepless night or two knowing they will return. 
    The shock horror reaction from major charities at the actions of a call centre that seeks donations on their behalf is laughable.  GoGen is a business and raising cash for charity is how they make their money.  Can it be any surprise that management insist that their front line troops push for results.  The charity supplies the script from which the callers work, their way of saying all is above board.  What nonsense.  To find out how the call centres work, they need staff on site.  The only downside being that they would see the reality.  Charity is big business.  Just check the salaries of senior management in any of the majors if you have any doubt.    
    HSBC can’t seem to avoid controversy.  Six of their staff (ex-staff now) plumbed the depths by filming a mock beheading during a teambuilding exercise no less!  We wouldn’t have sacked them.  Their behavior would have been taken as the interview process for the new branch to be opened in Syria. 
    The women’s tennis sounds more than ever like ‘coitus continuous’ from a large animal reserve.  The ladies male partners must wear ear plugs in bed!


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