Wednesday, 25 February 2015

    Five of our oldgits held senior corporate roles in the past, three of us leaving them to start our own businesses.  We can barely pick up a newspaper or turn on television without a cabinet member from one of the major parties telling us what business should do to thrive.  Maybe its just age but we are all suffering from a syndrome that doctors haven’t yet named.  The symptoms are unchanging.  They consist of increased blood pressure that results in us shouting words like ‘pillock’ at the television when these ‘political business gurus’ hold forth, changing rapidly to much stronger language if we don’t switch channels.  Most of these business gems come from individuals who have never held a serious job in their narrow lives.  I doubt any of them has the capability to start a company and grow it successfully to generate jobs, but still they spout their next big idea.  Why don’t they stick to what they know, wildly dispensing our hard earned taxes in support of political agendas, instead of for the benefit of the electorate.
    Any accidental death is sad but occasionally you can’t contain a smile when you are far removed from the unfortunate victim.  A woman in St Joseph, Michigan had the misfortune to shoot herself in the head with her .22 calibre pistol as she adjusted her bra holster.  Yes, you did read it right.  The holster was in her bra.  It sounds a pretty unlikely place to keep a gun but gives a whole new meaning to the Special Services mantra of ‘two in the chest and one in the head’.  Ever sensitive, Jez is checking on-line to see if he can buy two of the bras for his ex-wives.  The one I knew well had sufficient build to keep a .50 calibre well hidden in the chosen spot.
    As the election approaches Ed Miliband has called up John Prescott as his spokesman on climate change.  I’m sure we can expect more attempts to strangle the English language as the old blusterer gets up to speed.  An obvious concern to those concerned for the climate will be the hot air Prescott expels.  He should be forced to plant a small forest prior to any speech he makes!
    The ceasefire in Ukraine seems to be in name only as separatists seek to extend the areas they control.  Russian arms and armour continue to cross the border, as Putin denies that it is happening, pointless in the face of satellite imagery.  At least the Russian leader seems to have a clear strategy, unlike the West.  America threatens to arm the Ukranians but doesn’t want to provoke Russia.  It must be clear that any attempt by the US to deliver arms, probably via NATO, would guarantee a major conflict.  Equally clear that the Russians would increase their supplies to the separatists, logistically simple for them.  UK aid is in the form of outdated military transport, a bit like a house clearance really.  Germany and France keep their counsel, supporting sanctions as a last resort, and the southern European countries would like sanctions lifted.  So we see absolute clarity and determination from Putin, mixed messages from the West.  If we compared it to a soccer match I’d score it,
Russia 2 The West 0
at half time.
    Two more senior politicians sucked in by a TV scam.  Is it any surprise? They succumbed to the pound signs, neither the first nor probably the last of those elected to represent us who have shown their naivety.  At least Jack Straw is standing down in May and won’t be forced to do so.  Even so, his comments about a fellow MP caught in a similar scam in 2010, does little for his credibility.  The parents lament to children of ‘Do as I say not as I do’ springs to mind. Sir Malcolm Rifkind planned to stand in May but has quickly reversed his decision. Jumped or pushed – we’ll never know.  Maybe it’s because £60K a year doesn’t count as a salary for a part time job!  

    David Tredinnick, Tory MP for Bosworth in Leicestershire is priceless.  We could dedicate every blog to him.  His latest comment to the Astrological Journal, that scientists opposed to the idea that movement of celestial bodies don’t affect people’s lives on Earth are superstitious and ignorant.  He is convinced that homeopathy and astrology have a role to play in healthcare.  Maybe these scientists are looking for proof rather than apocryphal stories David.  Perhaps the new moon on February 18th caused your brain to link with Uranus, from whence came your words.

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